A specialist is required for the position of Sales Specialist (Sales Department) with higher or secondary specialized education. Work experience is welcome.

We provide housing.

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128

A specialist is required for the position of Sales Specialist (Sales Department) in the city of Minsk with higher or secondary specialized education, living in the city of Minsk.

Work experience is a must.

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128

For the position of Driver, specialists with a driver's license are required categories "C" "E"

We provide housing. 

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128

To work in the specialty of MOLDER, a specialist with an average

or secondary specialized education. No work experience required.

We provide housing.

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128

To work in the specialty TURNER, a specialist with an average

or vocational education. Work experience is required.

We provide housing.

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128

A specialist is required to work as a TOOLMAN

with secondary or vocational education. Work experience is required.

We provide housing.

Tel. HR department +375-2151-63128